Acers Volleyball

The Alamance Acers have been blessed with nine successful seasons and we are back again to continue developing a strong Christian team with a competitive edge to represent Alamance County.
 Below is a summary of our organization and important data.

Alamance Acers Volleyball Team

Directors & Coaches:

Directors: Melody Knudson & Martha Harrington
Middle School Coach: Russell Doss
Junior Varsity Coach: Russell Doss
Varsity Coach: Charlie Oakley

(for information about all teams, please direct your questions to Melody at mrsmknudson(at)

Rules of Player Eligibility:

Players must not have reached, as of August 1st of the current school year:
-their 19th birthday for Varsity competition
-their 17th birthday for Junior Varsity competition
-their 14th birthday for Middle School competition

Participants must be at least age 10 by August 1st, 2019.

Winter Open Gyms

Winter Open gyms will begin January 23rd at Fairchild Community Center and are held monthly on the 4th Wednesday of
the month through April. Gym times will be 2:30-4:30. This is a great opportunity for new players to come see what the Acers have to offer.

Summer Practices

Summer practices start the first week in May and will go through tryouts in June. Varsity practice will be on Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30 and JV/MS will be on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00. (subject to change)
Practices will be held at Bethel Baptist Church, 238 Dixon Road, Graham. (Please see Shutterfly calendar for additional practice dates and locations)

Regular Season Practices & Games

Regular season practices and games start right after tryouts and end the last week in October. (Please see the Shutterfly calendar to view the game/practice schedule.)

Home games will be played at Bethel Baptist Church in Graham. Our goal is to have one home game, one away game, and one practice each week, but it does not always work out that way. Most games are played on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday but one or two might be on a Friday.

Away games will be played in the Eastern part of NC in the Durham, Greensboro, and Raleigh areas. Most are about an hour to an hour and a half drive from Burlington. There is the possibility that we go to Wilmington this year.

NCHE rules that will be followed are: No spandex unless under shorts and ALL shorts worn to practice and games MUST have a 5″ inseam. (This is measured by starting at the crotch seam of the shorts and measure to the end of the leg. It must be 5 inches, or the player will not be able to participate in the practice)

Parent Participation

Parents are essential to the success of the Acers volleyball program! Every parent must be willing to volunteer to either line judge, libero track, score flipper, official scorebook or run concessions. We will assign duties randomly at the beginning of the season unless you volunteer first. Training sessions will be offered to train you on these positions. If you cannot make the games you are scheduled for, you must contact the Team Mom. A player/parent contract will need to be signed by all families.


Conference teams are (TBD) for returning players and (TBD) for new players. A deposit of $100 and all paperwork is due June 15 after team selections have been made. The remaining balance and all sponsorship money is due by July 27. This fee pays for coaching, uniforms, equipment, fees, insurance, facilities, referees, etc.

All fees are non-refundable. Last year, most players were able to get sponsors to help pay for the player fees. Any sponsorships that the players get goes directly toward their fee. Sponsorship is highly encouraged. Please use the sponsor form located on the Shutterfly website to make copies to give to potential sponsors.

Extra Costs

Conference teams will not get a free t-shirt for the State tournament but can be purchased in October. Player warm-up t-shirts are included in the player fees. Parents and family members may purchase one if desired.

Please feel free to call or email Melody anytime if you have any questions or concerns.
AlamanceAcersVolleyballTeam(at) or mrsmknudson(at)